Monday, 31 December 2012

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3 on the evaluation was: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

After constructing the documentary,print advert and radio trailer, I created a questionnaire that I will hand out to 20 members to the target audience and this will help me to evaluate how well I have done during the practical tasks and will also help me to answer the evaluation question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback.
The questionnaire will ask how professional, informative and entertaining the three tasks were.
There will be 3 questionnaires: one for the documentary, one for the radio trailer, one for the print advert. This is the audience feedback questionnaire for the documentary.
The questionnaires are shown below in a SlideShare:

 I also showed the members of the target audience by means of FaceTime and in person. They then filled in the questionnaire, I then analysed the results and  made this Glogster about what I have learnt from the audience feedback of the documentary:

I also made a Glogster about what I learnt from the audience feedback of the radio trailer:

To present the feedback I recieved for the print advert I created a SlideShare:

This is the video footage of audience feedback on the main task and the two ancillary tasks:

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Evaluation Question 4

Question 4 on the evaluation was: How did you sue media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
I divided my presentation into the 3 stages: research and planning, construction and evaluation stages, and i explained why I used the media technologies and also how I used them in the stages.
I decided to present this question in the form of a BrainShark which is embedded below:

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Codes And Conventions Of Print Adverts

This is a Prezi that I made outlining the main codes and conventions of print adverts. I will use these codes and conventions when i am creating the print advert for our documentary.
I used this website to get examples of print adverts to give me ideas when designing our advert:

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Drafting Newspaper Advertisement

Today I drew out a draft for how the newspaper advertisement to promote our documentary should look like.
Whilst doing this I had to bear in mind the codes and conventions of the newspaper advertisements, also I had to use the codes and conventions of Channel 4 adverts, for example: having the logo of the channel indented.
Below is the draft of how the newspaper advertisement should look:

Monday, 17 December 2012

Editing The Print Advert

This is a Prezi presentation about the process of editing the print advert.
During the process screengrabs were taken of what we were doing and what we were doing is explained in the presentation: