After constructing the documentary,print advert and radio trailer, I created a questionnaire that I will hand out to 20 members to the target audience and this will help me to evaluate how well I have done during the practical tasks and will also help me to answer the evaluation question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback.
The questionnaire will ask how professional, informative and entertaining the three tasks were.
There will be 3 questionnaires: one for the documentary, one for the radio trailer, one for the print advert. This is the audience feedback questionnaire for the documentary.
The questionnaires are shown below in a SlideShare:
I also showed the members of the target audience by means of FaceTime and in person. They then filled in the questionnaire, I then analysed the results and made this Glogster about what I have learnt from the audience feedback of the documentary:
I also made a Glogster about what I learnt from the audience feedback of the radio trailer:
To present the feedback I recieved for the print advert I created a SlideShare:
This is the video footage of audience feedback on the main task and the two ancillary tasks: